Providing the conditions which the commercial banks shall met when operating the M& A loan business; 规定了商业银行开展并购贷款业务所应具备的条件;
During the good times, banks operating in the UK would be obliged to hold more capital against their loan volumes. 在经济繁荣时期,在英国运营的银行必须持有相对于贷款规模较多的资本。
A new mode of toll road changing from "Operating Mode" to "Loan Returning" separates investment and management, and can remove many problems lies in the trade and society led by "Operating" toll roads. 探讨一种将经营性收费公路转为还贷性收费公路的模式,可使投资与管理分离,从根本上消除经营性收费公路给行业及社会带来的诸多问题。
As is a very important part of the inner operating system, the loan management system should also be regarded carefully. 作为公司治理结构和内部经营管理制度重要组成部分的信贷管理体系的再造也应被充分重视。
From the theory and operating mechanism of the housing mortgage loan-securitization, the paper analyzes the practical meaning of the housing mortgage securitization idea. 本文从住房抵押贷款证券化的一般原理和运作机制出发,分析了住房抵押贷款证券化思想在我国运用的现实意义。
It tells you something about the government departments in charge of project, the policy, the operating procedure and requirement detailed for applying foreign government loan. 综合了申请利用外国政府贷款医疗项目所涉及的部门、政策规定、申请程序、工作要求等,并按照实际工作中的大体操作顺序作了较为具体的介绍。
Banks operating in the loan sales market hold less capital and higher profits than other banks. 出售贷款的银行能比其他银行持有更少的资本和得到更多的利润。
The postal savings 'original operating way of "only save not loan" has caused a large amount of rural area fund outflow, which seriously intensified the insufficiency of rural area credit fund supplies, and restricted the development of rural economy. 邮政储蓄原有只存不贷的资金运作方式造成巨额农村资金的外流,严重加剧了农村信贷资金供给的不足,影响了农村经济的发展。
This paper analyses how to regulate the operating rules of closed loan practiced between the bank and enterprises of foreign economy and trade, and probes into how the enterprises of foreign economy and trade to master closed loan to promote the development of enterprises. 文章对规范银行与外经贸企业间实施的封闭贷款的操作法则进行了剖析,并对外经贸企业如何掌握运用封闭贷款,促进企业发展进行了探讨。
Questions and medical operating procedure in using the foreign government loan 利用外国政府贷款医疗项目操作程序及需要注意的问题
The most important factor acting on the operating efficiency of rural commercial banks in southern Jiangsu is equity structure, equity type, loan market share and the time of establishment. 影响苏南农村商业银行经营效率的最主要因素是农商行的股权结构与性质,贷款市场份额以及农商行成立的披次。
At the same time, using of Shandong province rural credit cooperatives operating data to carry out empirical analysis, making suggestions focusing on further improve the loan pricing and the pricing model support. 同时使用山东省农村信用社经营数据进行实证分析,并围绕为进一步完善贷款定价,提高定价模型支持力提出建议。
The changing consists of bank customer operating risks changing, the construction risk changing of investment project by loan, and the loan project changing by natural factors. 其中包括银行客户经营风险的可变、银行贷款投资项目的建造风险的可变和自然因素造成的贷款项目的可变。
For assuring sound operating, commercial banks must fully weigh risk and benefit, improve the ability of risk-pricing, and develop the ability of a reasonable pricing loan. 银行为了保证它的稳健经营,必须充分权衡收益和风险,提高贷款风险定价的能力,制定合理的贷款价格。
Especially since the second half of 2008, as the international financial crisis spreader and spreader. Our business has been badly hit, There has been operating difficulties, loan financing difficult situation, faced with unprecedented challenges. 特别是2008年下半年以来,随着国际金融危机的扩散和蔓延,我国企业受到严重冲击,出现了经营困难、贷款融资困难的局面,面临着前所未有的挑战。
The second part comprehensively expounds the basic concept of state-supported students loan and analyze the principle of operating state-supported students loan. 第二部分是对国家助学贷款的基本概念进行综合阐述,同时介绍了实施国家助学贷款的理论依据。
The government provides good policy and operating environment for the implementation of commercial student loan, while schools& banks are responsible for specific tasks. 6. 政府为商业助学贷款项目的实施提供良好的政策环境和进行环境学校、银行则负责具体工作的落实。
The A province is actual examination shows, insurance agent, trust agent, bill discounting, transfer of assets and other new business pilot is only for better operating conditions, large minority small loan company. A省的实际审批情况显示,保险代理、信托代理、票据贴现、资产转让等新业务试点目前只是针对经营情况较好、规模较大的少数国有小额贷款公司。
On the one hand, through the internal governance structure of small loan companies and external risk control mechanism, we analyze some problems in the basic operating system for small loan companies, to make relevant recommendations. 一方面,通过对小额贷款公司内部治理结构和外部风险控制机制的研究,分析出小额贷款公司基本运营制度存在的一些问题,提出相关的建议。
Furthermore, we make use of empirical analyses to study the operating mechanism of patent pledge loan, and examine the scientific characters and feasibility of the theoretical model of patent pledge financing. 本文在理论研究的同时,从实证分析角度探讨了我国专利质押贷款的运作机理,检验所构建理论模型及结论的可行性及合理性。
When it comes to the operating performance, the banks behave generally well& the bad loan ratio reduces year by year and the provision coverage ratio goes up step by step. 经营绩效方面,各家普遍表现良好,不良贷款率逐年下降,拨备覆盖率逐年提高。
The third chapter is the key part of the article, this part analyzes the operating situation of China 'microcredit companies by exampling the first batch of seven microcredit companies from the following four aspects: loan objects, loan ways, loan interest rates and loan process. 第三章为论文的重点部分,该部分以首批成立的七家小额贷款公司为例,从贷款对象、贷款方式、贷款利率、贷款流程四个方面阐述小额贷款公司的运营现状。